Kusto Group became a shareholder of Kazbeef Ltd

Kusto Group became the majority investor of KazBeef. The company plans extend KazBeef by 10 times in two or three years. And this is absolutely real, Yerkin Tatishev is sure:

Last year they finished with 4 thousan of livestock slaughtered. The goal is to reach a minimum of 22 thousand of livestock, and a maximum of 30 thousand.

Then by copying the KazBeef experience (there are already partners in other regions who are ready to implement the model at home) the goal is to bring production of up to 100 thousand tons of meat per year. An ambitious goal, given that the state program for meat export, under which KazBeef was created, the goal was to bring the country's total exports to 60 thousand tons per year, but it has not yet been achieved.